Why ferritin testing is so important

Why ferritin testing is so important. Often, your family doctor may suggest a ferritin test if they suspect anaemia.

Ferritin is a protein that stores iron. It is an iron depot that is stored in the body’s cells and makes itself available for use when there is a shortage of iron. The ferritin test therefore allows you to “measure” the iron stores in your body.

Normal ferritin concentrations vary according to sex and age.

Why ferritin testing is so important. What is the difference between iron and ferritin?

Iron is an important trace element in red blood cells (erythrocytes) that carries oxygen to the body’s cells, while ferritin stores iron and releases iron when the body needs it.

When ferritin is too low

Too little ferritin causes iron deficiency anaemia. Iron deficiency can be caused by malnutrition or blood loss, or the body may have difficulty absorbing iron from food. For a healthy adult to be iron deficient would require a very poor diet. However, low iron intake is the most common nutritional deficiency in children. Children need extra iron during rapid growth. In adults, low iron levels are usually due to long-term (chronic) blood loss. If you have a bleeding ulcer, a colorectal tumour or very heavy periods, you may lose more iron than you consume and develop iron deficiency. The need for iron increases during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in premature babies.

When ferritin levels are too high

Elevated ferritin levels may be due to inflammatory disease, liver disease or iron overload (hereditary haemochromatosis and haemosiderosis).

What are the symptoms of low ferritin?

Weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches

For consultations and tests, please visit us at: https://telesante.lt/nuotoline-gydytojo-konsultacija/

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