Cytomorphological examination of a blood smear
The microscopic blood test is definitive. It is used to more accurately assess blood cells.
10,00 €

Cytomorphological examination of a blood smear – microscopic examination of the blood is definitive. It is used to more accurately assess blood cells.
A cytomorphological blood test is usually performed when a complete blood count shows changes in blood parameters. This test allows you to take a closer look at your blood cells: to see if the appearance and size of your blood cells are normal. It accurately estimates the number of different types of white blood cells and the percentage of the total number of white blood cells. Cytomorphological testing is important because it allows an accurate assessment of blood abnormalities. The results of a complete blood count are given by an analyser that automatically evaluates the blood for certain parameters (usually the size of the corpuscles), so the results are approximate: the nature of the changes in the corpuscles cannot be determined. A cytomorphological blood test also helps your doctor to assess the production and maturation of blood cells before and during cancer treatment.
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