Helicobacter pylori IgA
It allows you to identify whether a person is infected with H. pylori, as well as those with signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal disease and asymptomatic individuals.
17,00 €
Detection of HPA IgA antibodies in the blood against Helicobacter pylori IgA allows identification of whether a person is infected H. pylori. Tas well as Helicobacter pylori IgA those with clinical signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal disease and asymptomatic individuals.
This test should also be performed in patients who are long-term users of aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) and have a history of peptic ulcer disease.
H. pylori disrupts the homeostasis of gastrin and hydrochloric acid secretion, activating hydrochloric acid secretion. Constant exposure to high acidity damages the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum, leading to inflammation, defects, erosions and ulcers, and can lead to cancers in these areas.
Destruction of H. pylori is indicated:
– in case of gastric or duodenal ulcers;
– after removal of part of the stomach in cases of gastric cancer;
– if you have been diagnosed with stomach cancer among first-degree relatives;
– chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) caused by H. pylori;
– in MALT lymphoma (lymphoid tissue of the mucosa);
– anaemia of uncertain origin.
In long-term users of proton pump inhibitors (e.g. omeprazole), H. pylori can accelerate the progression of gastric mucosal atrophy, and it is therefore appropriate to identify the bacterium in such patients and prescribe treatment for H. pylori infection.
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