The test is used to assess kidney function and to monitor the treatment of kidney disease.
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What is the need for a study?
The test is used to assess kidney function and to monitor the treatment of kidney disease.
When should I be tested?
It is recommended to:
1. during routine laboratory testing;
2. suspected kidney problems (usually in combination with a urine test);
3. experiencing symptoms of kidney failure, such as fatigue, lack of concentration, decreased appetite, sleep disturbances, swelling (especially around the eyes and face, wrists, abdomen, hips and knees), foamy or dark urine, decreased urine output, burning sensation when urinating, or changes in urinary frequency (especially at night), pain in the mid-spine, below the ribs, in the area of the kidney, high blood pressure.
4. acute or chronic disease that may damage the kidneys and/or worsen kidney dysfunction;
5. before a planned radiological procedure (e.g. CT scan);
6. before and after dialysis to monitor its effectiveness;
7. when periodic monitoring of kidney disease or assessment of kidney function is needed while taking medication.
What sample is needed for the test?
Blood is drawn from a vein in the arm.
How to prepare for the survey?
There is no special preparation.
What do my creatinine results mean?
Elevated blood creatinine levels reveal diseases or conditions that affect kidney function, such as:
1. damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys (glomerulonephritis) caused by infection or autoimmune disease;
2. bacterial kidney infection (pyelonephritis);
3. cell death in the renal tubules (acute tubular necrosis) caused, for example, by drugs or toxic substances;
4. prostate disease, kidney stones or other factors leading to urinary obstruction (an obstruction to the free flow of urine);
5. reduced blood flow to the kidneys due to shock, dehydration, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis or complications from diabetes;
Creatinine levels may temporarily increase due to muscle damage. Lower creatinine levels are an uncommon finding and are usually not a cause for concern. It could be due to:
1. conditions that reduce muscle mass;
2. during pregnancy.
Antibiotics in the cephalosporin group can increase creatinine levels in the blood, but such an increase does not reflect kidney damage. Creatinine levels do not usually change with normal feeding. For people who eat a lot of meat, it can be 10-30% higher.
Related studies
Urine, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), uric acid, urinary creatinine, CRB, glucose
Related conditions/diseases.
Kidney failure, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, acute tubular necrosis, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.
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