Lyme disease IgG antibodies

The later stages of Lyme disease and chronic disease are indicated by IgG antibodies, which start circulating in the blood 4-6 weeks after the infected tick bites. Elevated levels of these antibodies can persist for more than a year after contracting Lyme disease.


Lyme disease IgG antibodies – IgG antibodies against Borellia spp. (Lyme borreliosis) appear in the blood 6-8 weeks after a tick bite, increase for a while, then stabilise and persist for the rest of your life. Finding them means that at some point in your life you were infected with borrelia. Lyme disease IgG antibodies indicate chronic infection or past contact. Infection with Lyme disease triggers the production of IgG antibodies against Borrelia spp. Lyme disease pathogens. Detection of IgG antibodies against Borrelia spp. means that at some point in your life you were infected with borrelia.

Lyme disease is a tick-borne disease caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii. The disease is widespread in Š. America, Asia and Europe. In Lithuania, the Lyme disease bacteria are spread by Ixodes ricinus mites, which have a hard but very flexible body.

Only a laboratory blood test can accurately diagnose Lyme disease by detecting specific IgM (for the acute stage of the disease) and IgG (for the chronic stage of the disease) antibodies in blood. If they are detected, the disease is confirmed by high-precision western blotting (WB).

It is recommended to have blood tests immediately after a tick bite. A repeat test should be performed after 2-3 weeks to assess changes and check for any future occurrences. It is important to stay calm, as Lyme disease detected in time can be cured within two weeks with oral antibiotics without impairing work capacity.

You can consult our family doctors.


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Lyme disease IgG antibodies 
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